Sunday 23 September 2012

Dumb Religion

"Clear the Shit or face the Heat"

All i am writing is what i heard around  the world via different forms that Religion means path to god.and experts play with it causing religion failure.

 if anybody  puts religion before anyhing there is sure personal gain to it..

Neither Relegion is life nor Life is Religion , so don't mock over it , keep it simple stuipid people...

every religion is equal and has same effect to nature and society .
 ,every one is here to experience and live life with everything possible,

if you want to be relegious, be in your way ,

let the one who doesn't have any work to do take care of your religion because no one in this universe not even god has the power to destroy your religion..

a great human being said

Religion Gets Smart People to Believe Dumb Things

 dont talk your religion or else you will make it cheap.

share knowledge not your religion dumb people and don't make us dumb.

Religion makes you mad if you don't work in its favour  

"Bad People Don't make bad world ,good people with extreme selfishness makes it.."